This Spring

Free Orthodontic Consultations


Why do you need an orthodontic consultation?

Do you have crooked teeth? Do you have space between your teeth or a narrow jaw that is set back or too far forward? Have you noticed that your teeth are chipped and have chipped edges? Do you have pockets? Are you grinding your teeth? Do you feel popping or pain when opening your mouth? Does your child sleep with their mouth open? Have you noticed that he has a harder time pronouncing certain sounds?
These seemingly unrelated conditions are usually indicative of orthodontic problems.

What is iTero 5D NiRi?

The iTero Element® 5D Scanner has transformed the orthodontic industry. It replaces the need to take messy moulds by taking an accurate 3D scan of your teeth and mouth. This is done by our team using a small handheld device that uses high resolution cameras.
By using this scanner, it makes it much easier to identify your orthodontic needs and plan your tailored treatment plan accordingly. Even better, it allows us to simulate your treatment outcome so you can visualize exactly what your smile could look like after orthodontic treatment – even before you start!

What to expect on your first visit:

During the consultation, we will perform a thorough examination to determine the condition of your teeth and your individual needs, as well as the need for orthodontic treatment. We will tell you in detail about the different types and methods of correcting orthodontic problems, we will introduce you in detail to the latest trends in the world of orthodontics, namely the precise digitally planned treatment with Invisalign aligners.
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Benefits of timely orthodontic treatment:

Early orthodontic treatment in children is essential for normal growth of the jaws, as well as for the positive impact of speech defects, mouth breathing and teeth grinding.
In the teenage years, it is good to start treatment even before the eruption of all permanent teeth.
Adult patients can benefit from orthodontic treatment not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to reduce the negative effects of bite problems such as tooth wear, the appearance of bone and periodontal pockets, and damage to the mandibular joints.
We are expecting you!